Emotions: Are you using emotions to get what you want?
Are you “chucking a tantrum” to get what you want? I hope not. I want to share with you a series that we run on Thursday night. It is titled “What it is to feel your way through life.” #Livewellagewell
An important lesson I learn when I first started my business was to be aware of the power of emotions and they can affect those around you. Emotions come from our thoughts and they are powerful.
To show you what I mean let us do a little exercise:
I want you to imagine that it is Monday morning, you have just gotten to work. You have got a pile of papers on your desk and they are mounting up. People are giving you work. People are calling you and wanting things from you…At the end of the week, you know you are going on a vacation. It is your favourite destination. So just picture your favourite place. Are you excited in that moment?
Now imagine you are on the holiday - you are soaking up the sun, you are having a sip from your favourite cocktail, the waves are lapping at your feet, it is beautiful … Then you have a thought that just in a few hours I am going to have to pack up my bags, I'm going to have to organize my things and tomorrow it's Monday…urg... I am going to be back at my desk and doing all that work…OK, how are you feeling in that moment?
So, this little exercise proves, it is not our circumstances that gives us how we are feeling, it is our thoughts. Thoughts are immensely powerful and give us how we are feeling. How we are feeling in those emotions all has a rub-on effect.
Thoughts have a vibration that leads to your emotion and then your emotions send off a huge vibration. You attract things into your life depending on that vibration that you are feeling.
So, when we move your thoughts and vibrations, we start to bring good things towards us, our positive expectation, our belief, our enthusiasm. People say enthusiasm is catchy. People can catch your enthusiasm, your joy, your excitement, and you attract more good things towards you. Generally, people want to be part of your enthusiasm.
As an Independent consultant when you are with your clients or at a party remember to check your enthusiasm. You will also see that part of the Live Well, Age Well mantra is to look in the mirror in the morning and say one thing you love about your self. It's all about those good vibrations.